How to Train a Dog at Home

I’ve been writing a lot about specific issues in terms of how to train a dog, but today I want to talk about how to train a dog at home. The reason being is that even if you take your dog to a professional dog trainer of dog training sessions, you will still need to learn how to train your dog at home.

For you to be able to train a dog at home successfully, you need to be aware of your dog at all times, especially when you first bring your dog home. Before we get into specifics about how to train a dog at home, here are some tips that everyone looking to home training their dog should be aware of.

How to train a dog at home – General Tips

1. When you are training your dog at home, there should only be on trainer at any one time. More than one will confuse your dog and make the training less successful.

2. For you to effectively train your dog at home, or anywhere for that matter, you should always be prepared with lots of rewards. Rewards will motivate your dog and she will more likely listen to you when you have something waiting for her. While yummy treats are probably the best motivators you shouldn’t underestimate the power of toys and praise as they will go a long way when you are training your dog at home.

3. Before learning how to train a dog at home, you should always remember to keep your training sessions short and sweet. Five to ten minute sessions work best especially for young puppies that have a short attention span. When I was training my boxer dog, I was training him in five minute sessions.

4. A very important part of dog training is becoming the alpha dog. Dogs are pack animals and without a firm leader they will try to fill that slot themselves. You must show the dog who’s the boss by always being consistent. Sure, your dog will try to push the boundaries to see how far they can push but consistency will help you train a dog at home. It is important to also remember that all members of the family need the same levels of consistency. If you are telling your dog one thing and someone else something else, you dog will never understand what is right and what is wrong.

5. Patience is very important when learning how to train a dog at home. Your dog will make mistakes… believe me, my Beagle made tons of mistakes in the house but I was eventually able to train him by being consistent and patient. During any training sessions at home you find yourself getting frustrated or angry, stop the training session. Even if you don’t react your dog will sense your frustration and may not respond as well as if you were calm and relaxed.

I also want to touch on some of the most dog training commands you should begin to teach your dog.

How to Train a Dog at Home – Most important dog training commands

1. How to potty train a dog.

2. How to train a dog to sit.

3. How to crate train a dog.

In my opinion when these are the most important dog training issues you need to address, especially potty training. Many dogs end up in shelters because they are not potty trained. Some people who didn’t take the time to learn how to potty train dog will end with months and months of frustration.

Don’t worry about the more complicated dog training commands or tricks in the beginning. You are learning how to training a dog at home you should focus all your efforts on dog training that will set the base for other not so important dog training such as training a dog to fetch. While these fun tricks and games can be fun, you can focus on them as well but not in exchange for the other more important dog training commands.

How to Train a Dog at Home – More Tips

1. I wrote about this in some of my other posts but I thought it’s worth mentioning again because I hear it over and over again and frankly it pisses me off. DO NOT rub you dog’s nose in his own mess thinking that you will accomplish anything. Some people think that doing this or hitting their dog with a newspaper will actually help,but it actually only does one thing… make your dog afraid of you. My advice? Don’t do it.

2. When training a dog at home keep distractions to a minimum. Pick a quiet spot in your home to do all the training. Once your dog has learning a command and is responding to it on a consistent basis you can try it in other places and around more distractions.

Well I hope you found this post informative and stay tuned for some more posts such as:

How to train a dog to heel

How to train a dog not to bark
and much more.

Thanks for reading this post on How to Train a Dog at Home.


How to Train a Dog that won't Fetch

Although I’ve already written an article that talks about how to train a dog to fetch, I’ve been getting a few people asking about how to train a dog that won’t fetch. Although they almost mean the same thing the first one talks about starting from scratch and the second one implies that you tried to teach your dog to fetch and weren’t successful.’

Before I get into some methods that may help you train a dog that won’t fetch I just want to touch a bit on my first lesson (read the full article on how to train a dog to fetch). If your have read then just skip over it. I mainly want to touch on the first part where I mention:

First it is important to understand that some breeds have an innate “fetching” behavior and will naturally bring back anything you throw. Other dogs will chase anything you throw and then drop it as soon as they pick it up. Heck, some breeds may not even chase, never mind fetch!

The reason I bring this up again is just so you are aware that there are those few dogs out there that may never pick up on the game. I found this to be a few (percentage wise) but just thought that you should know that even though you may be doing everything by the book in terms of training your dog to fetch, some may never do it.

Okay, so let’s begin… How to Train a Dog that won’t Fetch

Suggestion 1

If you are having trouble training a dog that won’t fetch, try to use an object that your dog adores such as her favorite toy. Once you have your dog on a long leash, gets your dog’s attention by wiggling her favorite toy in front of her face to get her excited. Once you know that she is paying attention throw her toy a few feet away and she will probably start to run to grab the toy. Once your dog has the toy in her mouth gently pull the leash and draw you dog back to you and offer lots of praise and a yummy treat.

Suggestion 2

If the first method doesn’t work and you are still having trouble with training a dog that won’t fetch try the “2 identical toys” approach. Again pick a toy that your dog loves and go our and purchase a second identical one. Tease your dog with one toy to get her excited while keeping the second one hidden. Throw the first toy a few feet away and your dog will naturally run to grab it. Once your dog has the toy in her mouth, get her attention and show her the seconds toy that you had hidden. More than likely you dog will run back to you to get the second toy (hopefully with the first toy still in her mouth). Praise your dog when she comes back to you. This methods works really well when learning how to train a dog that won’t fetch.

Suggestion 3

If your dog still doesn’t get the fetch method you may want to use a completely different approach just to see if your dog will fetch. Instead of throwing a toy try to throw a bone or something tasty to see if your dog will chase it. You can even slap some peanut butter on a kong toy and use that. That’s what I did when I was learning how to train my boxer dog to fetch. If your dog responds you can do this a few times before reverting back to a regular toy. In terms of how to train a dog that won’t fetch, try this method as some people have had some success.

Suggestion 4

I should’ve mentioned this earlier but if you are having problems training your dog to fetch it maybe because of too many distractions. Try to play the game in a hallway or in a closed room with minimal distractions. This maybe all you need to do to get your dog to play fetch.

Okay, if I think of any more suggestions I will post them but for now try these methods and hopefully you will have success with learning how to train a dog that won’t fetch.

How to Leash Train a Dog

Before you learn how to leash train a dog you should ask yourself, are you walking your dog or is your dog walking you. If your answer is the latter than read this article and you will learn how to train a dog to walk on a leash. Leash training a dog will make you begin to enjoy your walks with your dog and form a stronger relationship between the both of you.

Before I get started I just want to point out that learning how to train a dog to walk on a leash not only allows you to walk your dog comfortably, it also keeps your dog safe from traffic and other harms that can occur when you have an uncontrolled dog.

If your dog hasn’t been leash trained yet, you maybe be frustrated to the point of not wanting to take your dog outside anymore. Believe me, I know. I once adopted a Beagle who would begin to pull as soon as I would go outside. Before I knew how to leash train a dog I spent the first 10 – 15 minutes of our “walk” running as fast as I could so I can tire my Beagle out and then he wouldn’t pull so hard! I got a six pack that summer just from running but my dog was still not able to walk on a leash.

If you were or are in a similar situation you have probably tried a few things such as choke collars, negative reinforcement and body leashes. Choke collars are often used by people who have larger dogs who aren’t well trained to walk on a leash. However, it’s often misused and should only be used by experienced individuals to avoid injuring your dog. If you are really adamant about using a control method, I recommend using something like the Gentle Leader. In a nut shell it pulls your dog’s head down and toward you and makes it difficult for your dog to pull on the leash. If I were you I would seriously start to train a dog to walk on a leash instead using positive reinforcement than turning to other leash training methods.

A note about how to leash train a dog

While it’s important for you to learn how to train a dog to walk on a leash no matter what breed, you should know that leash training is absolutely necessary for larger dogs such as the Boxer, German Shepherd, Mastiff, Doberman Pincher, Labrador Retriever etc. Even medium sized dogs such as the Basset Hound, Shiba Inu and Bulldogs may become impossible to walk if they haven’t been properly leash trained.

How to Leash Train a Dog using Positive Reinforcement

When you are learning how to train a dog to do anything, you should be using positive reinforcement. It has been used by dog training experts and is often one of the most recommended techniques because it helps built trust between you and your dog and make them look forward to training sessions where they can be rewarded for doing the right thing such as learning how to walk on a leash.

In the beginning, your dog leash training sessions should be very short. This goes for all dog training but is especially true for young puppies who tend to have a short attention span. When learning how to train a dog to walk on a leash I usually recommend 5 – 10 minute session or you may find that your dog may begin to dislike the training.

You should schedule your leash training sessions at the same time daily. This way your dog will be expecting the lessons and will be looking forward to them. I like to schedule them before meal time. This way my dog will respond more effectively to food and treat rewards and will motivated to do what I want him to do (in this case learning how to walk on a leash).

Before you even begin to learn how to leash train a dog I suggest you learn how to train a dog to sit and stay. When your dog to start to pull on the leash you can give the sit and stay command and hold for a few seconds before continuing your walk again. If you haven’t already done so you can read training a dog to sit and training a dog to stay by clicking on the links.

How to Leash Train a Dog – Choosing the Right Leash

Not all dog leashes are created equal. For training purposes, the best one to train a dog to walk on a leash are the traditional six foot leash usually works best. Don’t get me wrong, long leashes are good but for different training commands such as training a dog to stay and come. Also retractable leashes are usually too weak especially for larger dog’s that haven’t been leash trained yet. Before my Boxer dog was leash trained, he actually pulled so hard when he saw a dog at the park and completely ripped the leash. Stick to the standard leash when you just starting.

Well I’ve just introduced you to learning how to leash train a dog and stay tuned for step by step methods on how to train a dog to walk on a leash.


How to Crate Train a Dog

When it comes to learning how to train a dog, one very important lesson you need to learn is how to crate train a dog. Every year thousands of dogs that had the potential of becoming great pets are given up by their owners who weren’t able to properly learn how to train a dog.

Given the right tools and dog training techniques any dog can become an excellent family pet. Whether you have a Poodle, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Boston Terrier or Mastiff (I think you get the point), they can all be crate trained. Today’s lesson is about crate training a dog. A crate, if used correctly can be an excellent dog training tool which will give your dog an excellent opportunity to become an awesome family companion, especially in the area of house training / potty training.

How long does is take to crate train a dog?

Before I actually get into some of the techniques you can use to crate train a dog, I want to discuss the length of time is will take to crate train a dog. I wish I had a concrete answer for you but to be honest, it really depends on the dog and its upbringing. It is important to understand that while some dogs may take a few weeks to get used to the crate, others may take a few months and some dogs may never accept the crate. Although your chances of success increases tremendously if you have a puppy. So the answer to your question “how long does it take to crate train a dog” I can only say it depends! The only way for you to know is to try crate training your dog.

How to Crate Train a Dog - Introduction

I first want to discuss how to crate train a puppy. A younger dog will usually adjust to the crate and see it as her own place where she can escape the busy life and get some rest. In order to crate train a dog you need to first start by picking an ideal location. Keep the crate in an area where your dog can still see the family but make sure to keep it away from cold or hot drafts. The bedding for the crate is also very important and you can use something washable like a towel or a small blanket. This way if a potty accident occurs you can easily wash the bedding.

When learning how to crate train a dog, it is also advisable that you throw in something with your scent on it such as an old t-shirt. By doing so, your new puppy or dog can get used to your scent. If you had your dog for a while and she is already used to your scent then you clothing will comfort your dog and may increase the “crate train a dog” success. Many dog trainers also prefer to place a toy and some water in the crate. Do not put any food in the crate. Remember when you are crate training a dog, the crate is a get some rest place and a place to sleep, not to eat. If your dogs wears a collar indoors I suggest you remove it as it can get stuck on the bars of the crate. When I’m crate training my Boxer dog, I always remove the collar

You should teach everyone in the house how to crate train a dog. If you have any children in the house you should make it clear that when your dog is being crated, they should leave the dog alone. The crate isn’t a play area but a place of rest. When you’re crate training a dog, everyone in the house should respect the rules and boundaries or else you’re gonna have a hard time in the dog training process. What you want to do however, is learn how to train a dog to accept the fact that people can reach into the crate. By doing so, your puppy or dog will not become overly protective of his personal area.

How to Crate Train a Dog – the difference between using and abusing the crate

I really want to stress on this part because I know that the crate is probably one of the most abused dog training tools. A crate is not a jail for your dog and if used properly your dog won’t see it as such. I know that as humans we value our freedom and may see the crate as a place of confinement. To put the dog crate into perspective think about what you would do if your young child didn’t have a playpen or a baby crib to sleep in.

Professional dog trainers who know how to train a dog all use crates to effectively and humanely train their dogs. Even dogs see the crate as a place they can call their own. All dogs have a natural den instinct and the dog crate will satisfy this innate instinct while also serving its purpose as an effective potty training tool.

How to Crate Train a Dog – Crate Location

When you are beginning to crate train a dog, the location is very important. Placing the crate in the family room is a good idea. It should be in a corner away from drafts with only one end not being covered. This will give your dog a sense of security just like they would have in a den with their mother. You can cover the sides with some towels and if it’s not by the wall you should also cover the back. Keep the front area visible so your dog can see.

Crate Training a Dog

You should establish a dog crate routine as soon as possible. You can begin by placing your puppy or dog in the crate for short intervals, preferably 10 – 15 minutes. The best way to begin to crate train a dog is by letting her nap times guide you in establishing a routine. By doing this, you will get your dog accustomed much faster to the crate than if you were to place your puppy in the crate when she is hyper and wants to play.

How to Crate Train a Dog – Success

A puppy or dog may not be comfortable the first few times you put them in the crate but if you remain consistent you should start to see some good results. Again remember that different dogs may react differently and some may take longer that others and some may never accept the crate. When it comes to learning how to crate train a dog slow and steady usually wins. I must add that if you see that your dog is completely rejecting the crate than you should never force them.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson and stay tuned for some more detailed posts on how to crate train a dog.


How to Potty Train a Small Dog

The lesson today is about how to potty train a small dog. If you look at my archives in this How to Train a Dog blog you’ll find 2 out of my first 12 posts are about how to potty train a dog and another one about toilet training a dog. The reason being is that I think it’s really important and you’ll here me say it again and again that potty training a dog is one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself.

My other 2 potty training posts: How to Potty Train a Dog – The Basics & How to Potty Train a Dog.

What small dogs are people usually looking to potty train?

I did a few searches to see what people were looking for and found that many are looking to learn how to potty train a Yorkie, Bichon Frise, toy poodle among others.

Learning how to potty training a small dog will take some patience and consistency from your part. If you stick to a proper training schedule you’ll have your dog potty trained in no time.

Before I get into the actual dog training techniques I want to touch on why potty training a small dog can sometimes be a bit more difficult than potty training a larger breed. In other words, why do some people find it harder learn how to train a Yorkshire Terrier than training a Boxer dog for example.

Why potty training small dogs may be harder...

Many small dog breeders, especially the ones who raise toy breeds such as Pomeranians or Chihuahuas begin by raising them in small whelp boxes. As a result, these young pups learn to eat, sleep and eliminate in the same place. And because of their size they can sleep and eliminate in separate areas of the box. Once you get these puppies you will have to begin to teach them to potty training process from the beginning.

Another factor that may contribute to a longer period when learning how to potty train a small dog is picking them up and taking them to the place where you need them to eliminate. Many owners will pick up their smaller dogs instead of letting them walk to the area they need to go and do their business. Carrying your dog to the potty area should only be done if you catch your dog doing it in the wrong area. Other than that you should always let your dog walk to the potty area just like they would as an adult.

How to Potty Train a Small Dog

Now that we talked about the causes of why smaller dogs like the Shi Tzu may be more difficult in terms of potty training lets talk about some steps you can take to potty train a small dog. Please keep in mind that most of the techniques can be used to potty train a large dog as well.

A crate will go in a long why when it comes to potty training a dog (when learning how to train a dog a crate is one of your best friends). You should buy a crate that is big enough for your dog to be able to comfortably stand and turn around in. It should also allow enough room for you to have a toy or two and a water bowl. When you have a small dog, find the right size crate is actually harder but in a different way. Most crates will be too big and you probably will need to close off an area so it’s not too big. Learning how to potty train a small dog will be easier if your crate is just the right size because your dog will learn to hold it for longer periods of time as they don’t want to mess their sleeping quarters.

You should also line the crate with some newspapers just in case of accidents. Having said that, allow your puppy dog ample opportunity to go outside and relief himself. Take your dog outside after he eats or drinks or after strenuous exercise and if they go praise them lavishly and enthusiastically and you will have your small dog potty trained in no time.

How to Potty Train a Small Dog – Picking up on the signs

I though I should mention this here but keep in mind that applies to both small and large dogs. If you ever see your dog sniffing around or going in circles this is a sure sign that your puppy needs to eliminate.

Also you should know that young puppies no matter what size cannot hold their bladder for too long. As a general rule for every month the puppy is alive you can expect your puppy to hold his bladder for an hour. For example, if your puppy is 3 months old he will probably be able to hold his bladder for 3 hours. By knowing this valuable piece of information learning how to train a dog to potty in the right place should be a bit easier.

Thank you for reading about how to potty train a small dog and stay tuned for some more great posts!


Secrets to Dog Training | SitStayFetch

Secrets to Dog Training Online Course

People who have been following my blog know that I don’t usually promote any products and post a ton of free information that will help you learn how to train a dog. I’ve decided to write this post as Secrets of Dog Training is an online course that has gained a ton of popularity in the past few years. People who have been looking for dog training information have probably came across this book (It was called SitStayFetch until the beginning of 2009).

The aim of this post is to provide all you dog lovers out there with a review of dog training books which use proper and humane training methods. Initially, I was going to review a few books but then I thought hey, why waste your time showing you a few books when there was only one which really impressed me.

If you want to know what criteria I used to come up with a book which everyone can benefit from and learn how to train a dog then read on. First and probably the most important, I looked for a book that only promotes humane methods of dog training based on consistency and positive reinforcement. After reading a few books, I’ve also noticed that many only focused on aspect of dog training like obedience training. What I really wanted is a book that will show you how to train a dog from the beginning. That means a book that starts off at the puppy hood stage and works its way into more complicated scenarios that will help you solve any dog behavioral problems you maybe facing. To this day, I haven’t found one like the Secrets to Dog Training.

I then went out to see if people were happy with SitStayFetch Book – Secrets to Dog Training. Although I tested out the techniques myself, I had a background in dog training (heck, I should if I own a blog about how to train a dog), so I wanted to see if people who didn't have a clue when it comes to dog training were happy with the results.

Now for the actual review of Secrets to Dog Training

Although I solely purchased this book to see what the big fuss was about, I was really surprised by it size and quality. Man was this book meaty! The book is over 200 pages of dog training methods and techniques and is one of the most comprehensive online books I own.

The main Secrets to Dog Training book is compromised of nine chapters all which are dedicated to different dog training tips and techniques. I use “main” because you do get some extras and bonuses when you purchase this book.

1. It's A Dogs Life
2. Caring for Your Dog
3. Training Methods Revealed
4. Secrets To Understanding Your Dog
5. Dog Problems Solved
6. Commands To Start With
7. Dog Whispering Uncovered
8. More Dog Problems Solved
9. Advanced Commands and Tricks

Within these chapters you will find that you will be able to learn how to train a dog and solve any dog behavioral problem you may come across. Here is some of the stuff you will learn about in SitStayFetch, Secrets to Dog Training.

• Dealing with aggressive behavior
• How to stop your dog from thieving
• Stop your dog from biting and nipping
• How to travel with your dog
• Stop poop eating (coprophagia)
• Having more than one dog in the house
• Eliminating destructive behavior
• Helping your dog deal with a death in the family
• How to train your dog to stop digging
• Bad breath
• Stop your dog from chasing your cat
• Dealing with disobedience
• Working to eliminate your dog’s dominance aggression
• Flatulence
• How to train your dog to stop being afraid of a leash
• Overall health including fleas, worms and more
• How to stop your dogs from fighting
• Is your dog jealous?
• How to train your dog not to jump on people and furniture
• Training your dog off leash
• Preventing heatstroke in how weather

Daniel Stevens, the author of Secrets to Dog Training also goes to great length to help you learn how to train a dog. Keep in mind that my blog does have a lot of the ways you can train your dog but Daniel Stevens offers more detailed lessons as well as videos that will really help you. With SitStayFetch you will learn how to train a
dog to:

• Sit (basic and advanced)
• Come
• Okay (also known as release) and No
• Sit & Stay
• Down
• Wait
• Hold & Leave
• Heel

You will also learn some awesome tricks including how to train a dog to:

• Roll over
• Seek (basic & advanced)
• Beg
• Fetch & Retrieve
• Shake Hands
• Climb
• Stand
• Jump

Who is likely to benefit from Secrets to Dog Training?

After reading SitStayFetch I really wanted to write a review because it was such a great book. I thought to myself, would my readers really benefit from an online book, after all there was a lot of info on the net that you can get for free. Because the book is cheap (in terms of cost) and is easy to read and understand, I found this book very useful for people who have just got a puppy or dog and really want to train their dog to the maximum. The book will become an awesome reference for you when ever you need it. Remember that your dog may not have a specific problem when you get her, buy may develop something later on (ie, aggressive behavior in adulthood). I also found this book particularly useful for those who want to jump into advanced training with their dog.

Secrets to Dog Training – Bonuses

Secrets to Dog Training also came with a few bonuses that will I found very useful. I decided to give you a basic overview of what they are as this may help you decided if this book is right for you.

Bonus 1 – A Quick Guide to Aggression in Dogs

The first bonus is a 28 page book which discusses the fact that there is more than one type of dog aggression and how to prevent them. Secrets to Dog Training also discusses which breeds are more prone to aggressive behavior and how to identify the early warning signs that your dog may be aggressive. Of course it also talks about how to train a dog not to be aggressive.

Bonus 2 – How to House Train a Dog

People who read my blog know that I’m a big advocate of house training and potty training a dog as soon as possible. SitStayFetch goes into detail about how to potty train a dog using the two most popular and effective methods. It also lists 10 helpful tips to make toilet training a dog a success.

Bonus 3 – How to Become an Alpha Dog

This one is also very important. If you want your dog to listen to you, you will need to learn how to become an alpha dog… you know the big kahuna! If you haven’t dealt with a dominant dog yet, this bonus book may come in handy. Some dogs will begin to test you as they get older and same may outright try to take over your as Boss of the house. I once read about this family how had a Rottweiler who started being so dominant that he eventually started standing in front of the door and growl every time a member of the family wanted to leave the house!

Bonus 4 – Dog Grooming

Some people may benefit more than others with this bonus Dog Grooming Made Easy book. Secrets to Dog Training talks about bathing, grooming, dental hygiene and nail clipping.

Bonus 5 – How to Security Train a Dog

SitStayFetch includes this book which will be helpful for people looking to train a guard dog. It will tell you which breeds are best for the job and how to pick the right puppy for the job. Although I personally recommend getting the help of professionals if you are to security train your dog, I found this book to give a nice introduction of the topic.

Bonus 6 – Food and Recipes

I’m one of those people that would rather feed my dog a nice healthy home cooked meal, especially after the 2008 dog food recall so was all over the media. Having said that I did really enjoy this bonus which gave me some nice fresh homemade dog food recipes…175 in total! It was also a wonderful resource for what not to feed you dog.

Please note that the next four bonuses are only available in the Premium package of Secrets to Dog Training.

Bonus 7- Pro Software of Secrets to Dog Training

The pro software of SitStayFetch Premium package will help you keep track of important dates/details of your dog. You will be able to keep track of things like registration, birthday, medical history, vet appointments and any other important information. Although this bonus is not necessary, it is particularly useful for people with more than one dog in the household.

Bonus 8 – Secrets to Dog Training Online Videos

If you are one of those people that prefer to learn by watching you will really like the videos by SitStayFetch. All the material can be viewed on your computer screen and covers an array of topics and video demonstrations.

Bonus 9 – Unlimited Access to a Member’s Only Dog Community

Also part of this premium package is this member’s only dog community full of dog trainers, owners and anyone else that loves dogs. If you have any questions about your dog this is where you can ask them.

Bonus 10 – Dog Training Video Files

I know I mentioned some video material before but that’s because there is just so many. These videos were put together by two professional dog trainers and can be instantly downloaded and viewed on your computer. There is a total of 6 videos which are close to 5 hours in this Secrets to Dog Training premium package bonus.

Here is a basic overview of what the SitStayFetch videos cover:

Video 1: Alpha Dog Training

The first video discusses the importance of become an alpha dog and to become an alpha dog. It also talks about how to train a dog to listen to you and how to avoid a conflict with your dog.

Video 2: How to Train a Dog not to Bark

You will begin this video by learning about the different types of barks and what they mean. You will also learn how to pick up on the signs that your dog is about to go on a barking spree so you can prevent it before it happens. This video also has a neat little section about dealing with dogs who become aggressive on a leash.

Video 3: How to Train a dog not to Bite or Chew

If you are dealing with a young puppy who is mouthing, nipping or play biting you will find this video very useful. This Secrets to Dog Training video also shows you how to socialize your dog, deal with food possession and aggression, teething puppies and much more.

Video 4 & 5: Dog Aggression Training and More Dog Aggression Training :)

These SitStayFetch bonus videos have everything you need to know about how to train a dog not to be aggressive. Whether you have a puppy and want to prevent aggression before it starts or you have a problem dog that is already aggressive you will find these videos invaluable and I highly suggest you go for the premium package.

Video 6: In Field Training

Secrets to Dog Training’s final bonus video you will see some real training in action and a few other training techniques you can use to train your dog.

Okay this must be the longest post I have ever written in my entire life! If any of you have gone this far then you are probably seriously interested in learning how to train a dog. If you are go check out the Secrets to Dog Training site here.


How to Toilet Train a Dog

I’ve decided to write a short post about how to toilet train a dog because it’s a question I get asked all the time. If you haven’t already done so, please read my posts on the basics of potty training a dog and how to potty train a dog as it will have the info you are looking for.

If you are one of those people who got a young puppy then there is no excuse for you dog not to be toilet trained when they are older. If you have an older dog that is not yet toilet trained then just know that there is no such thing as “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Here are some things to remember when toilet training your dog.

1. Don’t punish your puppy or dog for any mistakes. Just a simple know and taking her outside to finish her business is all you need. This is especially true if you don’t catch your puppy in the act. Even a simple “no” at that point is inappropriate as your dog will not understand what you are objecting to.

2. Consistency is the key to dog training but this is especially true when you are toilet training a dog. This just doesn’t go for you but rather for every member of the family. If you are doing on thing and another person is doing another then your dog will not know what’s right and what’s wrong. Consistency is something that every family member must have.

3. A crate cannot be stressed enough and will be discussed in later posts. A crate is an awesome tool when you are learning how to toilet train a dog. For the simplicity of this post, just take my word for it. Not only does the crate become your dog’s safe haven when your dog just wants to escape the busy life, it’s also a place where your dog will not want to mess and will learn to control their bladder.

Stay tuned for some more posts including crate training a dog which in turn will help you learn how to toilet train a dog.


How to Train a Dog to Stay

So you’re learning about how to train a dog and now you want to learn how to train a dog to stay. Let me start by saying that training a dog to stay involves the same general techniques used in most dog training methods. For this command to be effective, you’re dog should have already trained your dog to sit.

After your dog has understood the sit command, the next logical extension is the stay command. After all, if your dog only sits for a few seconds then there isn’t really much value.

Learning how to train a dog to stay may be difficult at first as it goes against what your dog is generally used to, that is follow you around everywhere and being close to their pack leader. This is why when training a dog to stay you should keep it very simple at first and only have your dog stay for a few seconds.

Before I get into the actual technique, I just want to discuss the handiness of training a dog to stay. It’s actually one of those commands that is very useful. For example, what if a visitor comes to your door and is a bit scared of your dog? There are many other examples and I’m sure you can think of some on your own.

How to Train a Dog to Stay

So let’s get started. When training a dog to stay you should first begin the training by making sure that your dog is calm and not overly excited. A good time to train a dog is after a walk. You should also begin the training in a familiar environment for your dog in order to keep distractions to a minimum. When learning how to train a dog, you should always begin the training in familiar environments and then you could move to other places once your dog understands the command.

Now for the actual training. Give your dog the sit command while standing directly in front of her. If your dog stays in that position give her lots of praise and a treat. This is the beginning and you introducing your dog to the stay command and she will begin to associate it staying with praise and treats. Once you give your dog the treat and lots of praise, it’s okay for her to get up so don’t worry.

After repeating the training a dog to stay exercise a few times you should lengthen the time between the stays and the rewards. At first this will only be 3-5 seconds but when training a dog how to stay you have to be patient and take it slow. Just remember that if your dog breaks the stays without you giving her the command she doesn’t get the treat.

Okay, so now your dog has a general understanding of the stay command but you haven’t yet introduced the verbal commands and the hand signal. Now, when learning how to train a dog to stay using verbal commands begin by getting your dog in a sit position and hold your hand palm open in front of your dog’s nose and give the “STAY” command. Again you should praise your dog for doing the right thing. This will further strengthen the association in your dog’s mind between the verbal command stay and the actual act of staying in the same spot.

Now that you have a general grasp of how to train a dog to stay it’s time to add a few variables. Up until now, you’ve probably only practiced this method in one area that is distraction free and you stood right in front of your dog while he stayed for a few seconds. Begin by only adding one variation at a time. When I was training my Boxer dog to stay, I began taking a few steps back after giving him the stay command but instead of calling my dog to come to me, I returned to my dog and gave him a treat for staying.

My next step in this dog training method is to increase the distraction. I began to do it in different rooms, in the backyard and outside. Of course once I did it outside, I used a long leash so be sure to do that too. The final part of my training was to increase the length of time my dog stayed and this will be the real measure of success. If your dog can only stay put for 5 seconds then what’s the point?

Another method I use to train a dog to stay is hide and seek. I basically put my dog in the sit and stay position and then run and hide. Then I call out for my dog and he runs to find me. Remember that games are really a great way to train a dog and should be used along with treats and praise to have optimal success.

One final thing I would like to point out is you should never keep your dog in the sit and stay position for more then 2 minutes. If you want a dog to stay for a long period you should have them lay down and not sit.

How to Train a Dog to Stay – Simple Step by Step

1. Have your dog sit down in front of you

2. Place your hand in front of your dog’s nose with your palm open and give your dog the
“stay” command.

3. If your dog stays give the good command right away.

4. Wait for a few seconds and then give her the release command and then praise your dog enthusiastically and give her a treat.

5. At the beginning, your dog may only stay for a second or two and you should still reward her. Gradually increase the length of time your dog stays in the stay position.

6. After you see that your dog understand the stay command, begin taking a few steps back before giving the release command.

I hope you learned how to train a dog to stay and stay tuned for some more great posts.


How to Train a Dog to Come

Learning how to train a dog to come is actually a simple task. Just remember, the tone of voice you use will play a big factor in training a dog to come. Learning how to train a dog to come when called will serve as a basis for numerous other training commands and this is why you should teach it to your dog as soon as possible.

Training a dog to come is often referred to as recall so keep that in mind when reading this post. In my opinion this is one command that you should make sure you’ve mastered. After all, you want your dog to come when called no matter what the distraction. But in order for you to learn about the recall command let me first touch on some dog psychology 101.

Many people start off by letting their dog do what ever they want off leash (whether it be fenced area or not). You maybe in a dog park, on a beach or doing another fun activity. Here is when the mistake happens. Your dog is having fun which doesn’t include you and then you call her to come. When your dog obeys, most owners will put the leash on their dog and head home. What many people don’t understand is that they are inadvertently teaching their dog that the fun is over when they are called to come. Your dog will pick up on this rather quickly and will begin to delay coming each time they are called.

Do you see what’s happening? Instead of learning how to train a dog to come you are indirectly teaching your dog that coming to you is a bad thing. What ends up happening is that you have to call your dog a gazillion times before he comes and your pet begins to understand that prolonging the time he will take to come will increase the length of time he is going to have fun. What is really happening in this situation is your dog learning that he is self rewarded for not coming to you when he is called because if he comes then the fun stops.

Another outcome in this situation is that you punish your dog for taking a long time to come when called. In this case you are further reinforcing the undesired behavior of not coming when called.

How to Train a Dog to Come

Okay now that you know what not to do if you want to train your dog to come, its time lo learn what you should do. In order for this training to be successful you need to have a motivator for your dog to come. Wait until your dog is hungry and is ready to eat. Wait until its your dog scheduled meal time and take a few kibbles in your hand and wave in front of your dog’s nose and then give it to them, Now that you have their attention take a few steps back and give your dog the “come” command while holding the food at your dog’s nose level. When you’re dog starts to come praise her enthusiastically and give her the food as soon as she comes to you.

You should repeat this exercise a few times before every meal time. If at any time your dog begins to lose interest you should stop the training immediately. You may even want to skip the meal all together. Don’t worry your dog won’t starve and remember if she was really hungry she would have been still motivated to come every time you took a few steps back.

After your dog has began to pick up on the come exercise you can take the “how to train a dog to come”: to the next step. What you want to do here is basically repeat the same steps as above (holding the food and taking a few steps back). Only this time you will should get your dog on a “sit” position and grab a hold of her collar.

Once your dog begins to respond regularly to the “come” command you can begin to lesson the food portions that your give your dog when he is called to come. A good way when you are training a dog to come in the later stages is to only give a food reward when your dog comes quickly and happily. You can even begin to give your dog some tasty treats instead of his own food (at a different time than meal time) to further reinforce the behavior.

How to Train a Dog to Come – Step by Step

I know this was a long post so I though I’d put it into a small step-by-step process for all you people that like order :)

1. This exercise should be first attempted in the house with minimal distraction.

2. When its meal time, hold some of your dog’s food in you hand and give your dog just a bit.

3. Immediately after your dog takes the food take a few steps back and then call your dog to come. You may want to do this by name (ie. Sparky, Come)

4. When your dog approaches you praise him and give him the treat as soon as he comes to you.

5. Continue to increase the distance you take back before calling your dog and attempt the exercise in different rooms and also outside.

There is one more thing I wanna mention when it comes to learning how to train a dog to come. The people who paid attention to this post would have probably noticed that we are still left with the original issue of your dog learning not to come to your when called because the fun stops. In this case you have to train a dog to come using what is known as distraction training. When you dog is doing something fun like having some nice outdoor exercise you want to show your dog that when she comes she will be rewarded and then allowed to play again. By continually doing this your dog will begin to learn that coming when called is not such a bad thing.

Wooof… long post. Well I think I rambled long enough on how to train a dog to come but I hope you enjoyed and learned something from it.


How to Train a Dog to Stop Jumping

So I was just browsing the net today trying to see what people are concerned about when it comes to their dogs and noticed that a ton of people want to know how to train a dog to stop jumping. Here is what people were exactly writing all over the net:

How to stop a dog from jumping?
How do you stop my dog from jumping?
How to keep a dog from jumping?

Okay, so I think you get the point! While many people are flattered when they receive an enthusiastic greeting from their dog, too much enthusiasm that results in your dog jumping on you can be a bit too much. As an owner you may be able to put up with it, even if it annoys you, but what about friends and family that may come and visit? Will they like your dog to jump all over them? And what about if they have young children in the house? These are just some of the reason why you may want to learn how to train a dog to stop jumping.

There are two ways to help keep a dog from jumping on people. One is known as the ignore method while the other is a plain prevention (or stop) method. I’ll start with the ignore method.

How to Train a Dog to Stop Jumping

The Ignore Method

This method is rather simple yet effective. When your dog begins to jump, just turn your back to the dog. When the dog’s back paws are on your back ignore your dog completely. If your dog stops and tries to come to the front to jump again, do the same thing; simply turn your back to your dog while he is jumping.

In the early stages of this method, your dog will eventually stop and may be even sit or stand still. She may even just begin to leave. As soon as your dog one of these behaviors you should immediately give your full attention to your dog and praise him and even give him a treat.

In some instances, especially in the beginning of the stop your dog from jumping routine, your dog may begin jumping again once you give her some attention again. If this does happen then you should again begin to ignore your dog and turn your back when necessary.

The reason this method of dog training is so effective is because you are not giving your dog any attention (even negative) when he starts jumping on you. By ignoring your dog, you are teaching him that jumping on you does not get him any kind of attention.

How to Train a Dog to Stop Jumping

The Stop Method

The Stop Method is also another dog training technique that will help keep a dog from jumping on you. Every time your dog begins to jump on you, gently push your hand downward against their face towards the ground. Be repeatedly doing this your dog will eventually stop jumping as they will not be happy with your reaction. I understand that many people will not prefer this method and to be honest I don’t use it either. I prefer the Ignore Method when I was training my Boxer dog not to jump up on me.

How to Train a Dog to Stop Jumping

The Sit Method

The Sit Method is another way you can train your dog not to jump. If you haven’t already done so please visit my post on how to train a dog to sit. Please keep in mind that for you to be able to keep your dog from jumping using this Sit Method, your dog must have mastered the “sit”. If they haven’t then this technique probably won’t be effective.

The idea here is to stop your dog from jumping before he even does so. What you are really doing is replacing a behavior (in this case jumping), with another desired behavior (sitting). When you think that your dog is about to jump up on you, when you come home for example, give your dog the “sit” command. It is important that you do this before your dog even begins to jump or it won’t be effective.

If your dog does site then give her lots of praise so she know that sitting when you come home will get her lots of praise and attention If you give your dog the sit command but she ignores you and starts to jump, then simply revert to one of the other methods like the Ignore Method.

So are just a few of the more popular methods that will help you keep a dog from jumping. I personally recommend the Ignore method as I find it to be the most effective. If you follow the methods above you will see that learning how to train a dog to stop jumping is rather easier than it sounds.


How to Train a Boxer Dog

Although my intention for this blog is how to train a dog in general, today I want to talk to you about how to train a Boxer dog. My readers all know that Boxers are my favorite dog breed and will often see me refer to them. I want to make it clear though that I’m a dog lover first, then a Boxer dog lover second. I’ve owned numerous breeds including a Beagle that was with me before I got my Boxer.

Before I get into how to train a Boxer dog I want to talk about the history and temperament of this breed. The Boxer is a dog full of energy and is extremely playful. I sometimes laugh (inside of course) when I see the worry on people’s face when I’m walking my dog. People who don’t know the breed think that they are mean dogs because of their look and stature. My reaction is always to tell the person that Boxers are friendly dogs that love people and ask if they want to pet him. Most will say okay and are surprise when he starts wagging his tail and his overall friendliness.

Anyways back to the Boxer profile. This breed is an extremely loyal family companion. If you are looking to learn how to train a Boxer dog, then I think you should also know that this breed is not for everyone. Because they are extremely intelligent they can be trained faster than other dogs but their intelligence is also used to get what they want.

Some people who are looking to learn how to train a Boxer dog tend to assume that they are naturally aggressive dogs but this couldn’t be further from the truth. These dog’s love humans and will also get along with other animals. They are also known to be one of those dogs that stay in the puppy hood stage for a long time (up to 4 years).

A short history of the Boxer dog

The Boxer dog is a medium sized, short haired dog with a stocky build. Just like many other breeds, they originated from Germany where they bred from using the English Bulldog and the Bullenbeisser (now extinct).

Boxers now hold the title of one of the most popular dog breeds by the AKC. They are the 6th most popular dog in the US for the second year in a row.

How to Train a Boxer dog

When training a Boxer you should understand that these dogs can have a stubborn streak. There will be times when you ask her to do something and you can tell that they understand you but will look at you in the face and just ignore you. I mention this for the second time because you to be patient.

One of the biggest aspects of training a boxer is socialization. Boxers are naturally very friendly dogs but they also need to the socialization to become well balanced confident dogs in all situations. The best way to train a boxer is through classes where they will be along side other people and dogs.

Socialization should begin as early as you get you puppy and is an important part for anyone who is seriously looking to learn how to train a dog. The real Boxer dog training should begin when your dog is between the age of 13- 16 weeks. At this age your dog will begin to test you and your dominance. They may even try to nip to show you that they are boss but mainly they will try not to listen to you. This is where you have to show your Boxer that bad behavior will not be tolerated.

In terms of the actual training techniques, Boxer dog training is really no different than training another breed. If you follow the methods outlined in this blog you will be able to have a well obedient dog. Hopefully you’ve learned something from this how to train a Boxer dog post and stay tuned for some more tips and ticks.

How to Train a Dog to Fetch

Today I’m going to talk about how to train a dog to fetch. First it is important to understand that some breeds have an innate “fetching” behavior and will naturally bring back anything you throw. Other dogs will chase anything you throw and then drop it as soon as they pick it up. Heck, some breeds may not even chase, never mind fetch!

For example, the Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever have always topped the list of dogs the can be trained to fetch without much training (emphasis on much), while my Boxer dog may run if I throw a ball but then stand there and wait till I chase him!

How to train a dog to fetch

Can small dogs be trained to fetch? I read this question a few times and would like to address it. Yes small dog’s can play fetch and the training methods I will show you can be used to train a dog to fetch, no matter what size. Here is what some people have to say from Yahoo! Answers…

“They might take a little longer to train to fetch or be a little bit more difficult to train but they would eventually get it with time and persistence.”

and another…

“Yeh I have a Daschund who really enjoys chasing sticks and balls etc, but only when she's in a playful mood! i didn’t teach her though, she probably figured it out from watching my Alsations do it!”

Okay one more…

“Of course! You just need a smaller fetch toy and A LOT of patience. They have a lot energy and usually won't sit still.”

How to Train a Dog to Fetch

Okay enough of that you came here to learn how to train a dog to fetch. Here is what you should do. The key to beginning to teach your dog to fetch is to find her favorite toy, something they care about. Many trainers find that toys that squeak and make noise make the best fetch toys while ropes any tug toys may be a secondary choice. The reason being is that if your throw a rope or tug toy, your dog may not willingly release the toy.

After you’ve decided on the best toy to train a dog to fetch you should put a long leash on your dog. If you don’t use a leash then there is no way you will be able to train a dog to bring the toy back, especially for those breeds that don’t have the innate fetching ability.

Just like any other training you need to use treats to reward your dog when learning how to train a dog to fetch. Here is the tricky part, you have to get your dog to focus on the toy, the treat, and you all at the same time.

Now that you have your dog’s attention and are ready to for the fetch training hold your dog on a tight leash. Wag your dog’s favorite toy in front of her and then throw it a few feet away (not too far). After throwing the toy, give the fetch command (most trainers use “fetch”… duh!) and let your dog run after the toy. Once your dog has picked up the toy, use the leash to bring your dog back to you. After getting your dog in arm’s length offer the treat (remember those!) and say “give” while taking the toy from your dog’s mouth.

Wile training a dog to fetch you need to be careful that you aren’t struggling to take the toy from your dog’s mouth. Your dog needs to be able to distinguish a game of fetch from a game of tug of war.

The final part of dog fetch training is praise. Once your dog released the toy give her the treat and lots of praise. Just like when you are learning how to train a dog to do anything. Treats and praise will tell your dog that she has done the right thing.

The last thing I want to touch on is that if you are training a puppy to fetch, you only want to practice the exercise a few times per session. Because puppies have a lower attention span they will lose interest pretty fast. By stopping the game while your dog is still eager to play, you can pick up where you left off the next time.

There you have it folks, learning how to train a dog to fetch is simple as following the steps above.


How to Train a Dog to Shake Hands

I thought I’d take a break today and teach you something fun like how to train a dog to shake hands. While many people think that learning how to train a dog to do any tricks is simply fun, and it is. It also serves a greater purpose. Training your dog tricks will help strengthen the bond between you and your pet and will also serve as mental stimulation for your dog. Just remember to have fun and not over do it.

I usually recommend people who want to learn how to train a dog to do tricks to start with the shake hands command. Because it is an easy command to master, once your dog has learned the command it will build her confidence (and yours) and you will be able to move on to tougher commands like how to train a dog to roll over for example.

For your dog to be able to do the paw command you must first learn how to train a dog to sit. I’ve written a detailed post about this and you can click the link above and read it if you haven’t already done so.

How to Train a Dog to Shake Hands

1. When learning how to train a dog to shake hands you must pick a word that you will use command your dog. The most commonly used term is “paw” but “shake” and “put-er-there” are also used to train a dog.

2. Once your dog is sitting, give your dog the paw command and lift her paw of the ground and hold it there for a few seconds while repeating the command. Reward your dog for giving you her paw using your dog’s favorite treat.

3. Eventually you should wait a bit longer each time before scooping your dog’s paw off the ground. Once you lift the paw off the ground you must always reward your dog. This will help your dog associate giving paw with that yummy treat your are holding in your hands.

4. Just like any dog training command, when you are learning how to train a dog to shake hands you should eventually be able to have your dog shake hands without lifting his paw. I do it all the time with my Boxer dog.

5. Many people will train a dog to shake hands with the right and left paws. You can do this by repeating the above steps with different paws. Then all you have to do is point at the paw you want your dog to lift. For me, one paw is enough!

Stay tuned for more posts such as:

How to train a dog to play dead
How to train a dog to roll over
And much more

Now that you know how to train a dog to shake hands go out there and do it.


How to Potty Train a Dog

In my previous post about How to Potty Train a Dog I discussed some of the more common questions about potty training a dog. We discussed the fact that the techniques can be used for potty training a small dog such as a Yorkshire Terrier, large dogs such as the German Shepherd and will work just on any dog breed you have. This post will discuss learning how to train a dog to go outside if you know what I mean!

So let’s get down to business…

How to Potty Train a Dog

After you’ve come to accept the fact that puppies and dogs will have some mistakes, you must learn to pick up on the signs that your dog needs to go do her business. In general, dogs, especially puppies will need to go to the bathroom when they wake up, after eating/drinking and chewing. Also if you ever see your dog sniffing around or going in circles it maybe a sign that your dog needs to go. Even when I take my Boxer outside he usually tends to sniff around first before going! By learning to pick up on these signs you will better your chances of potty training your dog and you will learn how to potty train a dog in a shorter period of time.

During the first few weeks when you bring your dog home you should get into the habit of keeping your dog on a leash. By doing so you will make sure that your dog is beside you at all times and you can quickly take them out when you see any of the signs that tell how that your dog needs to go potty.

Now for the important part of learning how to potty train a dog. Every time your dog goes to the bathroom in the area you chose, you need to praise them very enthusiastically. This will let your dog know that they have done the right thing by going outside. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. If you are employing the dog on a leash technique then you should not remove the leash before your dog goes. If you remove the leash first, then your dog maybe more inclined to play first and forget the fact that they need to go.

While I was writing this How to Potty Train a Dog post I thought I should mention the times when the dog goes in the wrong area. After all, learning how to deal with your dog’s potty training accidents is just as important as learning about potty training a dog. If your puppy or dog does has an accident, don’t rub her nose in it or use any kind of physical punishment. Physical punishment should never be used in any dog training regime and trust me, not only is it cruel but it will set you back when learning how to train a dog to do any thing.

A method that some dog trainers use is making a loud noise (ie. clap your hands) and then you can quickly pick up your dog and take him outside to do his business. Of course you can only pick your dog up if he or she is small enough. If not you may just have to put up with it and then clean the mess up and get rid off any odor. If you don’t clean up the mess properly your dog may be more inclined to relieve himself in the same place. Don’t ask me why but all dog owners know that dog’s tend to go in the same place over and over again. See, I told how that this How to Potty Train a Dog post will be informative :) Again after your dog goes, you should make sure to praise and reward them for finishing their business outside.

I should also mention that when potty training a dog that if you don’t catch your puppy in the act you should never try to correct the problem. Your dog won’t understand what she is being corrected for and you will just leaving her more confused.

How to Potty Train an Older Dog

While the potty training methods I described above can be used to train all dogs you may find that potty training an older dog a bit more challenging. Learning how to train a dog to go outside may take a bit more time when dealing with an older dog. Older dogs have already built habits that need to be broken. On the other hand when you are potty training a puppy you are doing so from scratch. Regardless of the age, the techniques I described above can be used to potty train dogs of all ages.

I hope you enjoyed my post and look for more information about how to train a dog including how to crate train a dog which will further help you in your potty training quest.

Stay tuned for more info about How to Potty Train a Dog.


How to Potty Train a Dog - The Basics

Ask any person who has owned a dog before about anything dog related and they will tell you that learning how to potty train a dog is one of the most important things you can do. I agree! Learn how to potty train a dog early and you will be doing you and your pet a favor. Potty mistakes can be messy and smelly and eventually they will leave you frustrated. Many people will end up abandoning their puppy or dog simply because they are not able to learn about dog potty training properly.

How to Potty Train a Dog


In this first post in a few series of potty training a dog I want to address some of the more common questions circling the “potty training a dog” arena.

Is potty training a small dog different then potty training a large dog?

The quick answer is no. When you read this article you will learn how to potty train a dog and you will be able to apply these methods to any dog no matter what size. The techniques used to potty train a dog are the same.

Is potty training an older dog any different than potty training a puppy?

Yes there are difference but let me explain. Potty training dogs at different ages come with their own unique set of challenges that you must learn to deal with. An older dog who is not yet potty trained for example may prove to be a bigger challenges for some owners as they have already learned the habit of going where ever they please. On the other hand, a young puppy can hold her bladder for shorter periods of time so you will need extra care when potty training a young puppy.

Are there best practices when it comes to learning how to potty train a dog?

I get many people asking me about the best way to potty train a dog. While there are differences in the way some trainers choose to potty train their dogs, you will find that most of the methods revolve around the same techniques. In my next articles I will discuss how to potty train a dog using methods which I personally found to be the most effective.

Is potty training a female dog different than potty training a male dog?

No! When you learn how to potty train a dog you will be able to apply these techniques to both male and female dogs.

How long does it take to potty train a dog?

The length of time it takes to potty train a dog will depend on many factors. First, you must understand that different breeds will take different length of time to potty train. For example, German Shepherds are able to be potty trained in a few short weeks while the Boston Terrier may take up to six full month to learn. Second, when it comes to learning how to potty train a dog, consistency will play a huge factor in the length of time it will take. The more mistakes your dog has (due to your lack of diligence) will directly effect the amount of time it will take for your dog to be fully potty trained. When you are learning how to potty train a dog you have to keep these few things in mind.

I’m sure that there are probably more questions and if I think of any I will add them to this post. In the mean time if you have any questions don’t hesitate to e-mail me at For now, I hope you enjoyed my post on how to potty train a dog.


How to Train a Dog to Sit

Learning how to train a dog to sit isn’t too hard if you follow some simple rules and procedures. The “sit” command is one of the easier dog training commands to master and is usually one of the first commands your dog can learn. If you want to learn how to train a dog to sit then read on.

First, I want to touch down on the overall dog training process. When you are training your dog to do anything (in this case training your dog to sit), you usually pair a gesture and verbal command with the action you want your dog to do. What you are doing is creating an association in your dog’s mind between sitting and the gesture and verbal command you give her.

The next important step is to reward your dog every time he does what he is supposed to do. In this case when you are learning how to train a dog to sit, every time your dog sits, you must reward him for doing so. The reward can be your dog’s favorite treat or can even be playing your dog’s favorite game. No matter what you choose, you must be consistent in giving the rewards, especially early in the training sessions. Once your dog learns the command and listens to it on a regular basis you can give the reward intermittently until finally it can be almost eliminated.

Okay enough of that now for the exciting stuff

How to Train a Dog to Sit

Let’s discuss how you can train a dog to sit using food/treats and verbal praise. Food rewards are often more effective in teaching your dog commands so keep this in mind when reading this how to train a dog to sit post.

What you first want to do is approach your dog when he is in a calm state. If your dog is too excited it will make the training difficult. You can often accomplish this by approaching your dog after a long walk or some exercise.

Hold a small piece of food in your hands and allow your dog to sniff the treat. When your dog begins to sniff the treat you can slowly raise the treat over your dog’s head in intermittent steps. While you are doing this dogs will naturally tend to lower their butts to the floor and finish off in a sit position. Once your dog sits you should immediately give your dog verbal praise and a treat to go along.

Learning how to train a dog to sit sounds easy, right? Well, honestly it is. Just remember that when training your dog you should always give the reward within a couple of second of achieving the desired result. If the reward is too delayed, your dog may not associate the reward with the behavior (in this case the behavior is your dog being trained to sit. I mention this because it's probably one of the more common mistakes new dog trainers do when learning how to train a dog.

A few more things and you will be an expert on training a dog to sit. Keep the training sessions short. Dogs, especially puppies don’t have the patience for a long training session. Keep your training sessions to a maximum of 10 or even 5 minutes. Also remember to train your dog in different situations, locations and times. If you are always training a dog to sit in the kitchen, your dog may end up associating sitting on command only in the kitchen so do a little variety and you should be okay.

Now for all you people that like structure...

How to Train a Dog to Sit – Step by Step Instructions

1. Stand in front of your dog

2. Hold your dog’s favorite treat near her nose but just out of her reach

3. Slowly move the treat above your dog’s head towards her tail

4. Say your dog’s name to get her attention and give the “sit” command

5. As soon as your dog sits (which they will usually do) then praise your dog and give her the treat

6. Repeat the previous steps for 5 minutes

Okay now you are an expert on training your dog to sit. Keep your eyes open on more training sessions including:

How to potty train a dog
How to train a dog to stay
How to train a dog to fetch
And much more

Stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed this post on how to train a dog to sit.


How to Train a Dog

Hello and welcome to How to Train a Dog for Beginners. I was planning to have a more formal introduction but decided to get right to the point. If you are looking to properly train a puppy or older dog then you've come to the right place. You will find an awesome collection of tips and tricks used by actual professional dog trainers.

I've decided to keep my first post rather general for people who are just beginning to learn about how to train a dog. You'll often see me refer to Boxers as they are my favorite breed of all time but the dog training techniques used here can be used to train a German Shepherd, train a Great Dane or even train a Yorkie... you get the point.

You've probably also already noticed the amount of conflicting advice on the net. I seeped through a tremendous amount of dog training information and compiled a list of general attributes that you, the dog owner must have to become successful in training a dog.

How to Train a Dog

Introduction & General Tips

No matter what shape, size, color or breed your dog is trainable. I want you to say this out loud until it sticks to your head :) A well trained dog will be a happy and healthy lifelong companion. And if you are here then chances are you have a dog the needs to be trained. Just for fun I want to list the top 10 dogs in the United States:

1. Labrador Retriever
2. Yorkshire Terrier
3. German Shepherd Dog
4. Golden Retriever
5. Beagle
6. Boxer
7. Dachshund
8. Poodle
9. Shih Tzu
10. Bulldog

Here are some general tips to learn how to train a dog.

1. If you want to learn how to train a dog then you have to learn patience. Patience is virtue in all walks of life but this is especially true when it comes to training a puppy or dog. Just like us humans, puppies and dogs aren't born with a sense of what is right and wrong and it is up to you to teach them. Their will be mistakes and hurdles to overcome but if you are patient and consistent you will reap the rewards of proper dog training.

2. Potty training a dog is absolutely crucial and is probably one of the top reasons why dogs end up in shelters. Young puppies do not have strong bladders and must be taken out regularly. I've listed this potty training aspect in the how to train a dog introduction because it's one of those things that you must begin as soon as you bring your puppy or dog home.

3. Never hit your puppy or dog as it will not benefit and will actually set you back in your dog training. Hitting your dog will actually make her lose trust in you. If you want to learn how to train your dog then you must begin by knowing that you should never use physical punishment.

4. Make you dog training sessions as fun as possible. This means that in order for your dog to learn during the training sessions you must reward your dog with a variety of treats, toys and verbal praise.

5. Understand your dog's body language

Dogs user their entire body to communicate with their surroundings. Pay close attention to their eyes and ears as they will often give you clues to their current emotional state. Also, their heads, tail and body will also contribute to your dog's impulses and help you in your dog training endeavor.

6. Understand you dog's verbal cues

It's no secret that dogs are one of the most verbally expressive pets us humans own. You must learn to understand your dog's barks and whines and more importantly how to react. In later posts I will discuss this in more detail including how to stop a dog from barking and how to stop your dog from whining.

I understand that this post was very general but that was my intention. If you want to learn how to train a dog you have to start from the beginning. Here are some future posts you will find on this blog:

How to Obedience Train a Dog
How to Crate Train a Dog
How to Train a Boxer Dog (my favorite breed :)
And much more

I hope you enjoyed my first post and stay tuned for some more tips in tricks on how to train a dog.

How to Train a Dog for Beginners

Welcome to How to Train a Dog for Beginners. This site provides tips and techniques for anyone looking to train their dog. If you have any questions not covered in How to Train a Dog for Beginners please feel free to email your question to