How to Train a Dog to Stay

So you’re learning about how to train a dog and now you want to learn how to train a dog to stay. Let me start by saying that training a dog to stay involves the same general techniques used in most dog training methods. For this command to be effective, you’re dog should have already trained your dog to sit.

After your dog has understood the sit command, the next logical extension is the stay command. After all, if your dog only sits for a few seconds then there isn’t really much value.

Learning how to train a dog to stay may be difficult at first as it goes against what your dog is generally used to, that is follow you around everywhere and being close to their pack leader. This is why when training a dog to stay you should keep it very simple at first and only have your dog stay for a few seconds.

Before I get into the actual technique, I just want to discuss the handiness of training a dog to stay. It’s actually one of those commands that is very useful. For example, what if a visitor comes to your door and is a bit scared of your dog? There are many other examples and I’m sure you can think of some on your own.

How to Train a Dog to Stay

So let’s get started. When training a dog to stay you should first begin the training by making sure that your dog is calm and not overly excited. A good time to train a dog is after a walk. You should also begin the training in a familiar environment for your dog in order to keep distractions to a minimum. When learning how to train a dog, you should always begin the training in familiar environments and then you could move to other places once your dog understands the command.

Now for the actual training. Give your dog the sit command while standing directly in front of her. If your dog stays in that position give her lots of praise and a treat. This is the beginning and you introducing your dog to the stay command and she will begin to associate it staying with praise and treats. Once you give your dog the treat and lots of praise, it’s okay for her to get up so don’t worry.

After repeating the training a dog to stay exercise a few times you should lengthen the time between the stays and the rewards. At first this will only be 3-5 seconds but when training a dog how to stay you have to be patient and take it slow. Just remember that if your dog breaks the stays without you giving her the command she doesn’t get the treat.

Okay, so now your dog has a general understanding of the stay command but you haven’t yet introduced the verbal commands and the hand signal. Now, when learning how to train a dog to stay using verbal commands begin by getting your dog in a sit position and hold your hand palm open in front of your dog’s nose and give the “STAY” command. Again you should praise your dog for doing the right thing. This will further strengthen the association in your dog’s mind between the verbal command stay and the actual act of staying in the same spot.

Now that you have a general grasp of how to train a dog to stay it’s time to add a few variables. Up until now, you’ve probably only practiced this method in one area that is distraction free and you stood right in front of your dog while he stayed for a few seconds. Begin by only adding one variation at a time. When I was training my Boxer dog to stay, I began taking a few steps back after giving him the stay command but instead of calling my dog to come to me, I returned to my dog and gave him a treat for staying.

My next step in this dog training method is to increase the distraction. I began to do it in different rooms, in the backyard and outside. Of course once I did it outside, I used a long leash so be sure to do that too. The final part of my training was to increase the length of time my dog stayed and this will be the real measure of success. If your dog can only stay put for 5 seconds then what’s the point?

Another method I use to train a dog to stay is hide and seek. I basically put my dog in the sit and stay position and then run and hide. Then I call out for my dog and he runs to find me. Remember that games are really a great way to train a dog and should be used along with treats and praise to have optimal success.

One final thing I would like to point out is you should never keep your dog in the sit and stay position for more then 2 minutes. If you want a dog to stay for a long period you should have them lay down and not sit.

How to Train a Dog to Stay – Simple Step by Step

1. Have your dog sit down in front of you

2. Place your hand in front of your dog’s nose with your palm open and give your dog the
“stay” command.

3. If your dog stays give the good command right away.

4. Wait for a few seconds and then give her the release command and then praise your dog enthusiastically and give her a treat.

5. At the beginning, your dog may only stay for a second or two and you should still reward her. Gradually increase the length of time your dog stays in the stay position.

6. After you see that your dog understand the stay command, begin taking a few steps back before giving the release command.

I hope you learned how to train a dog to stay and stay tuned for some more great posts.


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